
Welcome to CommandWord, a platform to encounter the Word of God afresh.

At CW, we deliver God’s Word inspired insightfully, nurturing and motivating all people in the knowledge of His will. All themes and topics originate from CW, either directly or in response to comments or questions submitted to the moderator.

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Ministry Verse

“For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that they [humankind] are without excuse” (Romans 1:20).

Recent Posts

Doing the Right Thing

Anchor Scripture: Romans 6:16 "...to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye...

Miracles as Hidden Technologies

A miracle is something only God can do. It is yet a secret to man. Once God reveals how it can be...

A Secret of Success

Be aggressive about opportunities. They are usually hidden in simple times and places where you...

A Fortical Focus

The Bible seemingly presents inconsistencies in the records of the different authors of the...

Be Circumspect by the Word of God

If you relate with the universe and intend to gain from it, you expose yourself to Bible truth....

The Concencrated Priesthood

This declaration of the victory we find repeated concerning our Lord Jesus Christ in 1 Cor....

Kings and Priests: Who are their subjects?

It is common knowledge for all ages that kings have subjects whom they rule. On the contrary, most...

Judgement Day, Freewill, and the God Hypothesis

The "All people's fortical focus," as found on this site logo, was conceived for one purpose - to...

Hellfire and Reconciliation

Hellfire in its true connotation is a natural cause and effect. It is a step-up of suffering in...

Who Created God?

If all things were created by someone, who created God? This is a rational question and very...

Ministry Verse

“For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse” (Romans 1:20)

Recent Posts

Doing the Right Thing

Anchor Scripture: Romans 6:16 "...to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye...

Miracles as Hidden Technologies

A miracle is something only God can do. It is yet a secret to man. Once God reveals how it can be...

A Secret of Success

Be aggressive about opportunities. They are usually hidden in simple times and places where you...

A Fortical Focus

The Bible seemingly presents inconsistencies in the records of the different authors of the...

Be Circumspect by the Word of God

If you relate with the universe and intend to gain from it, you expose yourself to Bible truth....

The Concencrated Priesthood

This declaration of the victory we find repeated concerning our Lord Jesus Christ in 1 Cor....

Kings and Priests: Who are their subjects?

It is common knowledge for all ages that kings have subjects whom they rule. On the contrary, most...

Judgement Day, Freewill, and the God Hypothesis

The "All people's fortical focus," as found on this site logo, was conceived for one purpose - to...

Hellfire and Reconciliation

Hellfire in its true connotation is a natural cause and effect. It is a step-up of suffering in...

Who Created God?

If all things were created by someone, who created God? This is a rational question and very...

Foundational Themes

CW exist to provide deeper understanding to seemingly confusing aspects of the Bible through the illumination of the Holy Spirit. We believe people become fully alive, fully human, and fully relational by knowing God through His Word.

The Exodus: Population Distribution

The Exodus: Population Distribution

In the first census conducted by Moses in the wilderness, the population of the children of Levi was 22,300. That number was distributed as follows: Moses/Aaron & sons 300, Kohath 8,300, Gershon 7,500, and Merari 6,200. Notice that the population of the family of...

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The Church in the Wilderness

The Church in the Wilderness

It was February 14, 2000, in a night dream, as I watched a screen display, and a long list of names of churches scrolled to the end. Then, I heard the voice from the right side of the screen, saying: “There will surely be a proliferation of churches as miracles...

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The Solar System: A Shadow of the New World Under Christ

The Solar System: A Shadow of the New World Under Christ

A response to the listing "Planet-X: Introduction" got me thinking anew on the subject. The responder argued that going by scientific evidence, there ought to be more than twelve planets. With this in mind, I took a fresh look at my diagram and reviewed the...

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Explore by Themes

All topics have been categorized by themes, please use any of the buttons below to navigate to your choice study points.

The Jubilee of God

The Law and the Lawgiver

Created to Worship

The Triune Nature of God

Kings and Priests

Freewill and the God Hypothesis

The Frontliners

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