All things are of God (2 Cor. 5:18); and all things were created by Him and for Him… By Him all things consist (Col. 1:16-17); whether good or evil (Is. 45:7, Amos 3:6). Love is the binding force that holds the parts in one (Col. 3:14), for God is love (1 John 4:16); and he that dwells in love dwells in God, and God in Him. For in Him we live, and move, and have our being (Acts 17:28).

Man at creation partook of the harmony in the oneness, being made in the image of God (Gen. 1:26) but sovereign with God only in self-will. The ‘evil aspect’, God admonished man, may not be advanced. Failure to abide by the rule will lead to death – sin or severance from God (Isaiah 57:17, 59:2). Man will be excommunicated from God and possessing the knowledge of good and evil.  He would fall short of the glory (Rom. 3:23), or the wherewithal: the love of God needed to administer his own oneness. In essence, God told man, “By yourself you can do nothing” (John 15:5).

The evil aspect as used above, must be understood in its proper context. Essentially, it is that likeness of God invoked in mercy by His love aspect to heal the part that should offend the oneness (Titus 3:4-5). Much like an athlete administers the dispensary to a bruise, intending to heal and return his members to wholeness. God reserves the evil aspect, therefore, for the purpose of correcting, healing (Hosea 5:15, Jer. 18:11), and reconciling erring parts in the oneness to Himself (2 Cor. 5:18). This way, God’s judgment, wrath, indignation or evil aspect is called upon to appropriate justice, while retaining His righteousness and true holiness.

Separated from God in disobedience, the evil aspect inherent in a part is activated (Gen 3:22), but without the love ingredient needed to use its new nature in righteousness. Subsequent attempts to use its knowledge of evil often result in undeserved torments upon the recipient, and sometimes even upon itself – sin becomes sinful. Applied to order its own oneness, it falls short of true justice because it lacks the perfect understanding of godliness, which works by love. Read more here...

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The Oneness of God

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