[The “Evil” Aspect]

In order to convey the thought of, “Evil”, in English, the very comprehensive Hebrew word (ra`), is variously translated as, “bad”, “gloomy”, “ugly”, “evil”, “calamitous”, “malignant”, “ungenerous”, &, “envious”; depending upon the Context, (Gen 2:9; 40:7; 41:3; Ex33:4; Deut 6:22; 28:35; Prov. 23:6; 28:22). The Greek word (ka~kos`), may be defined as that which is; (1) morally evil; & (2) destructive. Among the ways it has been translated are : “bad”, “evil”, “hurtful”, “injurious”, &, “wrong”, (Rom 7:19; 12:17; Col 3:5; Tit 1:12; Heb 5:14).

As first used in the Scriptures; the word (ra`), is the Very Opposite of good. Adam was commanded not to eat of the tree, of the knowledge of good & bad (ra`); & was also warned of the Consequences, for Disobedience. Hence; it is evident that God sets the Standard, as to what is good, & what is bad: it is not within man’s prerogative to do so, apart from God. Although Adam transgressed God’s Express Law; this Transgression, is not chargeable to YHWH (Jehovah) God: “for with evil things [form of Ka~kos`] God cannot be tried, nor does he himself try anyone. But each one is tried by being drawn out & enticed by His Own Desire”, (Jas 1:13-14; Gen 2:16-17; 3:17-19).

Adam was the crowning glory of YHWH’s (Jehovah’s), Earthly creative works. Made in the likeness of his Grand Creator; Adam had the Divine Attributes of, Love, Wisdom, Justice, &, Power: hence he possessed, a Sense of Morality, involving a Conscience. In the image of God, Adam was to be a Global Administrator; & have in subjection, the sea & land creatures, & the fowl of the air. For all these reasons, &, many more; Adam was under Obligation to, love, worship, & strictly Obey his Grand Creator. More than that, the Universal Lawgiver, YHWH (Jahovah), Spelled Out for Adam, the Simple Law of Obedience; & fully informed him of the Just & Reasonable penalty for Disobedience: “As for the tree of the knowledge of good & bad, you Must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will Positively die”, (Gen 2:16-17; 3:2-3). Notwithstanding, this Explicit Law carrying a severe penalty for Disobedience, Adam did disobey. Therefore, the Meaning of YHWH’s (Jehovah’s), bringing Evil , is for the sake of Justus.

Rightly, Jehovah brought, evil or calamity, upon Adam, for his Disobedience. Hence: in the Scriptures; Jehovah is referred to as the Creator of evil Or calamity, (Isa 45:7). His enforcing of the penalty for Sin; namely, death; has proved to be, an evil Or calamity, for mankind. As such; evil is Not Always Synonymous with wrongdoing. Examples of evils Or calamities, created by Jehovah are, the Flood of Noah’s day, &, the Ten Plagues visited upon Egypt. But, these evils were Not wrongs. Rather; the Rightful Administration of Justice, against wrongdoers was involved in both cases. However,; at times Jehovah, in his mercy, Has Refrained from bringing the intended calamity Or evil, in execution of his Righteous Judgment: because of the Repentance, on the part of those concerned, (Jonah 3:10). Additionally,; in having a warning given, Jehovah has undeservedly, provided opportunities for those who practice evil to change their course; & thus, to keep living, (Ezk 33:11).


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