Further exploration into the meaning of the vision regarding the regrouping of the church shows there are more than twelve planets out there according to scientific evidence. Due to the strength of the then existing telescopes, they could not be accurately located. Planet-X was one of those speculated but confirmed of recent. A new and very high-tech telescope built at a research center in Australia, made that possible. That telescope, they say, promises to search the space far beyond Planet-X.

I am rather inclined to endorse the number of revelations from my ongoing research on this subject; and only because of the concord I find it has, both in the light of my vision of February 14, 2000, and the many scriptural evidences it unveils from the book of Numbers. In them, we have established outstanding correlations between the size of the planets and the population figures from the census Moses conducted in the wilderness. The figures enable us to particularly identify the smaller families of the Levitical priesthood (now replaced by the Church of Jesus Christ), as representing the inner planets of the Solar System, which none of the websites contemplates. Without this, it appears impossible to see the complete picture of “The New World under Christ” which is a major message the vision seeks to convey. In fact, one of the websites counted the Sun, the Moon and Planet-X (if it existed, it said) in order to portray a 12-planet Solar System, and then matched each planet to the tribes. The Earth = Levi by this allotment. Specifics of the three families of the children of Levi had no place at all here and left no room for the discovery of any other planet, even though it identified with Planet-X, which was yet to be confirmed. 

In contrast, my research shows the Ark of the Covenant (the tabernacle), based on how the camp was set up in the wilderness, as representing the Sun (the presence of God); with the priesthood (Christ and His Church) arranged around it. And like Moses was God to Aaron occupying the East end of the tabernacle, so also God the Father and Jesus Christ (the High Priest, together with the 144,000 virgins, I believe based on Rev. 14:1-5), would mount the East end of the heavenly tabernacle; the Godhead still commanding a holy presence at the center of that arrangement. The Head and His Church then forms the inner planetary system, followed by a ‘soul gap’ (Numbers 2:2) or the Asteroid Belt demarcating them from the nations (the outer planets), of the rest of the world subdued unto Christ. The sense of the soul gap is the separation between saved and unsaved souls (Luke 16:19-26). Next here


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Planet X

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