Anchor Scripture: Leviticus 26:14-46

The Jubilee of God have been discussed in great details, and also the fact that everything God did with the children of Israel in the Old Testament were carefully designed as a shadow of things to come. To this end, God has purposed to gather the whole creation in the end as one family.

While studying my Bible early in the year 2000, the Lord led me to see the Solar System imprint on the pages of the Bible, in the book Numbers. It was hidden within the account of the census that Moses conducted in the wilderness. It is specifically in the second census, which was taken just before they entered the Promised Land (Num. 26). Amazingly, the numbers depict so closely the arrangement of the planets of the Solar System. The sizes of the planetary bodies were in similar proportions to the population of the tribes and the Levites. The children of Levi consisting of the families of Gershon, Kohath, Merari, and Moses/Aaron and sons (Num. 3), represent the four innermost planets, namely, Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.

According to science, the inner planets of the solar system are made up of rocks, while the outer planets are mostly gaseous. There is also a stretch of space known as the Asteroid Belt between Mars (the last of the inner planets) and Jupiter, the first of the outer planets. The Asteroid Belt is described as a gully or chasm (Luke 16:26) that separates the inner planets, depicting the consecrated priesthood (the Children of Levi), from the rest of the world representing the tribes, as shown in my diagram. 

Notice that the pictorial representation is the exact arrangement God instructed Moses for the camp in the wilderness. The three families of the children of Levi were to be arranged around the Ark of the Covenant at the center of the camp (Num. 2). This arrangement was on purpose, depicting the Solar System and corroborating the CW’s assertion that the solar system is a shadow of the New World under Christ. The combination of the children of Levi as the inner planets and the tribes as the outer planets depicts the order of the eschatological family of God. As such, the church is to regroup into three just as there were the three sons of Levi, according to the word of God that was revealed to me in a dream.

The three groups representing Merari, Kohath, and Gershon occupied the North, South, and West sides of the camp respectively (Num. 3). On the East was Moses, Aaron and their sons who attained to the holy things. These will be replaced by Jesus, who incidentally, will appear in the East at his return, as the High Priest of the new covenant (Ezek. 46:2, Matt. 24:27). The people in the Earth though located in different time zones, will see him at the same time. The Internet will make this possible and will allow the whole world to see his appearing irrespective of the time of the day. Hence, the coming of Jesus Christ is to be witnessed by all. Thus, the wisdom of God strategically located the coming of his Son in the age of the social media. Next here.

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Eschatological Family of God

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