The “All people’s fortical focus,” as found on this site logo, was conceived for one purpose – to bring light to gray areas of scripture. Consequently, this article addresses the faulty perception pervading the narrative of eschatological events, sin, and the punishment of sin. The concerns are broadly tackled within the content titled, “The Solar System: A Shadow of the New World Under Christ“. It argues from scripture that God’s judgement is no different, in particular ways, than we find in secular justice. The traffic law, for instance, says everyone must go through the DMV to qualify and obtain a driver’s license. The purpose is so we understand to stop at a red light, for example, so as not to cause harm to ourselves or to others. Failure to obey the traffic law leads to a citation. A similar analogy is found in our school system, whose objective is to formally educate members of the society in specific fields of learning. Upon graduation, people qualify for job placements. Similarly, we are in the world in school.

 The School of Righteousness

God’s wisdom and foresight devised a fair process to equally assign members of his human family to functional placements in his kingdom at the eschatology. The process allows each person the opportunity to perfect knowledge with discipline in righteousness. In eternity, graduates are deployed to jobs depending on their academic performance. The core curriculum is in learning the faith walk – that we may know him.

 Life challenges is our curriculum in the purported school of righteousness. The obstacles and struggles we all go through becomes our semester exams. The ones you scale through trusting God must rely on his promise that says, “I will be with you. I will never leave nor forsake you.” It accounts for your semester grades. The cumulative average, like in any other curriculum, determines how you emerge at the eschatology. The reason for the program of the fall and the reconciliation was to ensure everyone can experience the person of our Creator for who he is – the righteous One, without partiality, and full of mercy; for his mercy endures forever. I will elaborate shortly on the latter statement to explain how it sheds light on the question of God’s judgement.

 The message I seek to bring here is to strengthen our understanding of the common misconception about judgement and hellfire. The analogy with the Solar System, is to show the big picture of what God is about with humankind. Based on the spatial representation, there are the inner and outer courts in God’s plan for his eschatological family. The inner circles, analogous to the inner planets of the Solar System, include what the Bible refers to as the firstfruits of God’s increase. It depicts the individual placement into family groupings, depending on how each person performed in trust of God’s testimony shared freely with humankind. It is our aggregated performance in the faith walk with him while we lived on earth. It started with choices of the first man Adam, which called for his offspring to later make other choices through the hearing of the Gospel. Each person may accept God’s offer for reconciliation, given out of his goodness; not willing that any should perish. Notice that I have implied it was done on purpose, so everyone could eventually realize God’s love for humanity. He wanted to qualify each of us for the placements in eternity based on how well we did in learning to know his lordship in the universe.

 God being the author of life have stipulated how each of us may come to the true knowledge of him as Lord, the Creator of all things. But more than this, he wants us to eventually share in the power of his endless life. Hence, in Christ, believers are invited to partake of the glory of the supreme reign. But we must learn to play by the rules, understanding the concept of equality of all in the kingdom. Note that this refers to equality in nature and not in authority. God is always going to be at the helm of the affairs, as there cannot be two captains on the one ship. In due course, the Son must also be subject to the Father; “that God may be all in all” (1 Cor. 15:28). Each person may secure a placement in the new order at the eschatology based on how we master the arts of righteousness. 

 As with a farmer, the firstfruits are the first and early harvest. Yet, God is determined to bring in the rest of the farm produce. The idea of reaping is signified in the harvest of the souls of men. The firstfruits are those who would accept the call into the kingdom through the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is the true proof of their walk of faith. The teaching on the new world under Christ refers to the bringing in of the rest of the crops, and not an annihilation of the same. This notion contrasts with what we have commonly understood as eternal condemnation. It is a misrepresentation of the Gospel, which the CW project seeks to clarify. Read more on this theme.

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Judgment Day, Free-will, and the God Hypothesis

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