Life has two dimensions we may experience it; the natural, as well as the spiritual dimensions. Humans and their study of nature has experienced and documented the spiritual evidence, but has hardly developed a scientific measure of their spiritual experience. The Creator of the universe, as such, is a Spirit and has determined that we may experience and know him only by faith. It is on purpose to qualify comers and grant them access into the spiritual realm of things through their humility of heart and on a trust basis. So, the Bible has it that without faith it is impossible to please God, but that those that must come to him must believe that he is… (Hebrews 11:6). That is why I stated earlier on that you can only know God by faith and not by sight. That is, not through observations of empirical data. I have not met a truly knowledgeable person whom if told that something exist would simply reject it because, “I must see in order to believe.”

To get to the bottom of things, one must be able to give it a chance and be willing to explore that knowledge with the yardstick that is tested by those who has been there. It’s like telling Christopher Columbus and his team that, no, you never made it to America. If Columbus was my friend and we have related without reason to doubt him, I should give it a chance to go the long journey with him to America and then see for myself. Hence, I am inviting you to find out for yourself, as I have over the years, that God is and that you can indeed communicate one on one with him.

Moreover, the Christian faith is bold to say, that while we are at liberty in this life to reject the call to experience this truth, a time is approaching in which we must meet God eventually to give account of our time on earth. The reason we must all give account is because God has documented his dealings with mankind and left evidence for all of us to know how it all started; what went wrong, and the plan he has put in place to return things to a perfect order like he intended it from the beginning.

To reject the invitation to explore and understand the laid down plan is to root oneself against him, especially because the opportunity was given. It is similar to when one chooses not to abide by the laws of the land. The legal system must unavoidably find offenders guilty on the day we appear before the judge of the land. The law must then exert the full measure of justice stipulated. Laws are given so the system could work according to the design and purpose of the lawgiver – as in a state, a nation, or a kingdom. Therefore, where there is the law, there is of necessity the lawgiver!

Systems design at that, requires the assembly of immutable laws by which systems take immutable inputs to produce immutable output(s), i.e., the intended function of the system. Hence, the universal systems – the Solar System, the ecosystem, the respiratory system, or the computer system, as such – all require a lawgiver to determine what laws should be in effect for the results they are intended to deliver. Indeed, where there is a law, a lawgiver is inevitable! It derives from common sense too.

Similarly, God’s universe is his kingdom with laid out rules. Unfortunately, it is non-democratic, just as we don’t decide a different way Microsoft Word can be run than how it is designed to work, unless we do so within the boundaries of its design. God has applicable laws for the universe. Anyone who lives in it is required to abide by the laws of his kingdom; for the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof… (Psalm 24:1-3). One of the foremost of those laws says that “the just shall live by faith” (Rom. 1:17, Gal. 3:11, Heb. 10:38). All through the generations of man, God has walked with different men and women, one on one, who have represented him as messengers, to help other humans in their generations to eventually know the truth and hopes that all who hears would be willing to choose differently and walk in obedience to the laws of the kingdom for their justification.

Without contradictions, empirical evidence is not the only basis for establishing what may be known, real, or true. It is not always quantitative evidence, but also qualitative. Both methods have been used widely to get to the truth, even in scientific research. It often follows data gathering through the lived experiences of the researchers and their human subjects. Similarly, God invites humans to find him through the experiential knowledge of him. I believe intelligent people should give both approaches a chance in the exploration of their universe, so we could know all that can be known.

What God is saying is that you can only find him and know him if you come trusting. You can experience him like others who have travelled the spiritual path in humility with him. It is the law of his universe. If we reject it, we must be accountable in the court of his justice in the end. Truly evolved humans, however, could not reject to explore all possible alternatives to truth – the spiritual and the physical at large. Especially where others have tested those waters to show us how it can be done, and in order to experience the evidence they found through faith (qualitative methods) and not by sight (quantitative methods).


In a nutshell, our question has an answer. It says that the Creator indeed is, and that he is the beginning and the end, the first and the last. However, you can only verify this claim by stepping out to walk with him by faith. This is the research method God allows for accessing knowledge in his kingdom. It is not quantitative, but qualitative. It is relationally and not rationally derived. Only then would he guide you to a full proof of the revealed knowledge of himself. I did not abandon to verify my own puzzle either. But I have had to humble myself to follow the search method prescribed by the Creator. It is a research method in which knowledge is deduced via the axial of a personal relationship. There are things in fact you know about your spouse or associates that you did not need laboratory evidence to understand are true about them. It is called embedded research.

Accordingly, the word of God says, “draw near to God, and he will draw near to you” (James 4:8, ESV). Call upon me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things that you know nothing about! (Jeremiah 33:3). And “you will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13, NKJV).

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Judgment Day, Free-will, and the God Hypothesis- The Law and the Lawgiver- who created God?

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