If all things were created by someone, who created God? This is a rational question and very relevant, especially at that threshold of life when one is greeted with the challenge to look for and find God. I asked the same question in the place of prayer after I came to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. It took a personal relationship with him to eventually drop the question and trust his claim; the truth that he is the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Only when I did, that he began to relate with me; to speak to me, and to lead and guide me into a fuller knowledge of the truth. In that process, by his grace, I have been privileged with access to certain knowledge about our world and about God, as I am now vested to share through this medium of exchange.

Getting to know God could never take from us but will add to us. In fact, it is a divine mandate upon mankind to seek to know God; to research his fingerprints in the physical universe to learn about him (Acts 17:24-30; Romans 1:20). It makes sense, therefore, for every human being to make the effort to explore the knowledge revealed in his son, Jesus Christ, ever before we leave planet earth. It would be a loss on your part, to get to the other side of eternity and discover that he gave you the opportunity to know him on many occasions, like now, but you never did until it was too late. I have walked with this truth and knows that it will set you free indeed, and that Jesus is Lord! It should always be a personal experience; not what the next person said, did, or did not do, which has kept many from finding that Way eventually in their lifetime.

The interesting thing is, Jesus is always at the door of every heart knocking. But we must meet him by faith and not by sight. The moment you can invite him in, you can begin the journey of discovery for yourself. It is as simple as saying to him right now, “Lord, if you’re true, I like to know you. Come into my heart.” You don’t need another man to lead you to him, although he would ultimately use others in some way to guide you into the full knowledge of himself once you call out to him.

If done honestly, a renewed experience of the world you thought you knew well, will soon become a totally new and rewarding life. Before long, you would wish you made the decision earlier in life. The Bible has everything to lead you to that full knowledge of the life in Christ. It is a Book of books! It includes every discipline of academic pursuit in the world as you know it. It is a science book as it is a literature book. It includes medical science as it does Geography. The Lord is asking if you would like to know him for yourself today. I pray you will give him the chance.  Continue here for the conclusion.

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Judgment Day, Free-will, and the God Hypothesis- who created God?

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