I fell into a trance at about 5.15am and the Holy Spirit said some things to me. I woke but could not quite recall the beginning of what I heard. But the statement for the most part went as follows: “… Because God loved David, he promised to set him upon the throne in Israel forever. This he will soon accomplish in Christ.” I was a little disappointed because I could not see how that explained what I presented before the Lord.

The heart of my inquiry was the question about the lake of fire under discussion. However, I deeply considered what I heard, as I remained kneeling there by the side of my bed. I was in such a deep thought when these words echoed in my spirit: “… and he will put all things under his feet”. I came back to my natural thoughts and began to ponder over these things.

My reflections took me to how, following his ascension to the throne, the Lord subdued nations unto David and gave him peace all around him over his enemies. I reasoned that the Lord was telling me how the same thing should happen after the Lord Jesus Christ seats upon the throne of David to rule forever. All His enemies will be subdued and made subject to him — not annihilated again, which is but a shadow of the things to come.


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Miracles as hidden in technology

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