I woke from a trance in which two of my friends found and brought to me a news bulletin published by NASA. I read through the report and it argued that an Earth-Mars alignment was impossible except a certain law of physic involving variables “u” and “v” was met. In physics, “u” and “v” refers to the initial and final velocities of a body in motion. The equation relating u and v, whatever form it took, is expected to include a time component. That means that the alignment could only happen in a time slot. I did not see this equation in the dream, however. I guess what was important was the understanding of it. My understanding of the dream was that the ‘launching’ of the frontliners occurred only at the very instant of the planetary alignment, and not at any other time. 

As I meditated on the dream, a thought came to me from scripture. I recalled that in the procession, it was the duty of the sons of Gershon (Earth), and the sons of Merari (Mars) to convey the tabernacle, falling in line next after the tribe of Zebulun (Numbers 10:17) of the camp of Judah, who were to break camp first. The rest of the Levites (the Kohathites) followed after the tribe of Gad (Planet-X) of the camp of Ruben. I am wondering if it may be significant, the fact that the Earth-Mars alignment took place just after the confirmation of the discovery of planet-X (Gad). And oh! I just recalled that the Lord also reminded me during my quiet time this morning, that the earth is surely more than six thousand years old: six thousand years from Adam. Which reminds us that the alignment is the first since Adam and his race. 

What is clear so far then, is that Gershon and Merari, like Earth and Mars always fall in line next to each other in the procession. They go forth first to have the tabernacle set up before the arrival of the most holy furnishings conveyed by the Kohathites (Number 10:21). This calls my attention to the need to clearly define who the Frontliners really are. From the foregoing, they do not include the Kohathites since all the Frontliners must be launched (fall into rank) at the same time as the alignment. This completely agrees with scripture and in the right sense of that word, since the tabernacle must indeed go in the front. Not to forget that the whole procession is an advance toward an end – the possession of the promise: which in the case of the Church is the New Jerusalem.

This gets me excited because it reminds me of the topic of my project, “The Second Exodus.” Also note that in the procession, enemies were encountered and subdued even before the final wars that began with the conquering of Jericho. The Earth-Mars alignment thus signify a moment of time of “The Church in the Wilderness, when they are breaking camp and taking off on another journey. Before they will take off, God commanded that the trumpet must be sounded in the camp to alert the people (Numbers 10:1-8), which agree with Rick Joyner’s “The Trumpet will sound” message. Hence, the sounding of the trumpet took place just before the instant of the alignment, which is accompanied by the launching of the Frontliners. Next on this topic.


















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The Frontliner

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