The Concencrated Priesthood

The Concencrated Priesthood

This declaration of the victory we find repeated concerning our Lord Jesus Christ in 1 Cor. 15:21-25,54. “For since by one man came death, by man also came the resurrection of the dead … for as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. But every man...
Kings and Priests: Who are their subjects?

Kings and Priests: Who are their subjects?

It is common knowledge for all ages that kings have subjects whom they rule. On the contrary, most Christians can readily justify their kingship, viz. a viz. the atonement of Christ, but hardly ever ponders on who their subject really is. Not because the bible does...
Hellfire and Reconciliation

Hellfire and Reconciliation

Hellfire in its true connotation is a natural cause and effect. It is a step-up of suffering in the world because of sin. The nature of sin in man exposed him to experience the first cause, the first death. It is manifested in the limitations we suffer because we fail...
Who Created God?

Who Created God?

If all things were created by someone, who created God? This is a rational question and very relevant, especially at that threshold of life when one is greeted with the challenge to look for and find God. I asked the same question in the place of prayer after I came...