General Knowledge

Written by CWM Admin

God’s wisdom in forgiveness

God’s wisdom in forgiveness

God gave us forgiveness, but Paul encouraged to “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” (Phil. 2:12). So, first was grace (a gift) given, and then we are expected to work ourselves up as high as we could possibly get through Christ who strengthens us –...

Post Forgiveness

Post Forgiveness

There has been a lingering question among many theologians and bible scholars regarding the issue of “post forgiveness.” Post forgiveness encompasses the events that transpire after one has forgiven his or her neighbor. Does forgiveness return both parties to the...

A Pure Language

A Pure Language

Elouise: <<I am experiencing a new level in the Lord also; God is teaching me the truth concerning his WORD!!! Daniel this is very powerful stuff, the word of God is not to be taken lightly, it is very important that we ask for guidance and understanding when we...

Judas Iscariot

Judas Iscariot

On the subject of Judas Iscariot, please read John 13:26-32. Listen as you read through for the Holy Spirit to give the understanding. In verse 27 the Bible said, "Satan entered into him". Every act of unrighteousness always start this way. Similarly, every act of...

The Gospel Accounts: Why They Seem to Conflict

The Gospel Accounts: Why They Seem to Conflict

The Bible seemingly presents inconsistencies in the records of the different authors of the gospel, however, there is really none of that. When we leave an open mind to God’s Word, He will reveal so many things on a personal basis to us through His Spirit. My personal...

The Way of Reconciliation

The Way of Reconciliation

It was the will of God to reconcile with man, but it was also His determination how it should be done.  So He chose the nation of Israel to demonstrate to the rest of the world His sovereignty, with the hope to gain our love again.  The plan was, through this people,...

The Way

The Way

Today, our world is full of wickedness and all manner of evil.  This is because “many deceivers have entered into the world” [2 John 7], with either a hidden or obvious agenda: to exalt themselves above God.  These are those spirits cast out by God from heaven...

Where is God?

Where is God?

A being in flight from outer space came across a satellite in its path and wondered, “Who put it there?”  As he approached the satellite, he saw another being who explained to him that Man had put the satellite in orbit. Doubting, he asked, “where then is Man?” The...

Who is Jesus? Who Am I?

Who is Jesus? Who Am I?

Jesus asked His disciples saying, “Whom do men say that I the son of man am? …And they said, some say that thou art John the Baptist: some Elias, and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets. He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? And Simon Peter answered and...

Other Themes

The Exodus

The Jubilee of God

Freewill and the God Hypothesis

The Law and the Lawgiver

The Triune Nature of God

Kings and Priests

Created to Worship

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