Today, our world is full of wickedness and all manner of evil.  This is because “many deceivers have entered into the world” [2 John 7], with either a hidden or obvious agenda: to exalt themselves above God.  These are those spirits cast out by God from heaven together with the devil into outer darkness, and now manifest their evils through men.  Each one of them actually desires to be God, and seeks to be worshiped.  They do not even have agreement among themselves.  They have gone their own ways in utter disobedience to God’s rules.  Anyone today who lives a life of disobedience to God’s commandments, the Bible says, is in partnership with these beings to hate God.

Jesus spoke about this kind of people, saying, “You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it” [John 8:44].  How can a world made up of these kinds of beings have peace?   And since they do not even agree among themselves, “Can two work together except they be agreed?” [Amos 3:3].  Herein lies the root problem of our societies.  Since the gods of this world cannot agree with themselves, it is impossible for peace to exist among them, or the people they rule.  This is true today, whether it is between friends, or between husband and wife, or between nations, or in any other relationship.  We can coexist only if we have adequate agreement amongst us.  Even after we have agreed, the relationship can degenerate when one party is found unbearably unfaithful.  Sometimes relationships fall apart even at the slightest suspicion of unfaithfulness.

How did all this come upon man?  God Almighty created man in His own image.  He set him over the rest of His creation with a blessing: to be fruitful, to multiply, and have dominion over it.  But God also, in His fairness, gave man a freewill to choose between opposing paths, while carrying out his responsibility.  And so, God instructed man in the knowledge of good and evil. God told him that if he chose good, by living in obedience to Him, he would live; but if he chose evil by disobedience, he would die. To die meant that man would lose the power supplied from God to have dominion – man would be excommunicated from God.  The absence of God’s empowerment to man, to live and have dominion on earth, is the state of sinfulness – death.  Alas, man was deceived by Satan to disobey God, and incurred His wrath!  Man fell.

Is there a solution for such a desolate society?  The answer is yes.  This can be obtained only from the creator Himself.  In our world today, people are seeking alternative routes to peace and joy.  Often they are not willing to embrace the true peace and joy, even when it does discover them!  The reason, the Bible says, is because they seek it in order to consume it upon their own lusts.  Man lost peace because he has fallen short of the glory of his maker through sin.  This glory (the power of God), gave man the privilege to exert dominion upon the Earth, over all other creations (including Satan).  His failure in this regard has brought him all the misery.

Over the ages, the world has struggled to reconcile this difference in vain.  Not because it is impossible, but because man has failed to acknowledge the divine path ordained by his creator for reconciliation; a plan, put in place by God, to bring us back to His original course for us.  Read more here

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