It was the will of God to reconcile with man, but it was also His determination how it should be done.  So He chose the nation of Israel to demonstrate to the rest of the world His sovereignty, with the hope to gain our love again.  The plan was, through this people, to send a Messiah or Savior who according to His good justice will be the sacrifice, the price for sin.  By God’s standard, only through the blood can sin be purged.  But the blood of bulls and of calves was not capable of blotting out sin permanently.  Only the blood of the Lamb, Christ the Lord, was deemed fit and acceptable. Out of His love, He sought to reconcile mankind, “for God is LOVE” [I John 4:8].  “He gave His only-begotten Son (Jesus), that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” [John 3:16].  Jesus is “the way, the truth and the life” [John 14:6]: and no one can receive the promise but by Him. To believe (in this truth) is to acknowledge that Jesus is the sacrifice offered by God for sin.

The problem with the world is that by their own wisdom, they reject this plan of redemption to their own loss: “for the wages of sin is death” [Romans 6:23].  Instead, they seek knowledge of celestial powers – which is actually the handiwork of the Living God.  They accept the creation rather than the Creator.  God is vexed against such as these.  Jesus laid down His life in order that we may gain Life. “As many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe in His name” [John 1:12]

Therefore, let no man trick you out of your true deliverance (salvation) by false appearances of ‘goodness’, and worshiping of angels, meddling in those things which he has not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind: for in these things is the wrath of God reserved for the children of disobedience. Therefore, separate yourself from them to worship the one and true God, acknowledging His ordinances in the fear of the judgment that is to come.

In order to receive eternal life, to be forgiven for our sins and enter into a right relationship with our Creator, we need to allow Jesus Christ to be Lord of our life and trust in Him to be our Savior.  Before we come to Jesus Christ, we are living for ourselves, doing what we want to do.  When we come to Jesus Christ, we need to let Him be Lord of our lives, to find out what he wants us to do and seek to obey Him.  We need to realize that the way we have been going is wrong, and that God’s Way is the right way, through the strength He gives us.

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The Way 2

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