A new position of sonship with God is possible only through faith in Jesus Christ. It is not for the wise men of this present world. It is not for them who think they are well schooled; having their own good judgment of what is right. It is only for those who would consider themselves as children, surrendering to the rule of the Father, and humbling themselves. Then God who holds power over all things will exalt them, even as He exalted His own Son Jesus: He who took up flesh that He might dwell with us sinners and saves us through His death on the cross.

For which reason, God raised Him from the dead and made him the head of all rulers. “And having spoiled principalities and powers, He made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it” [Col. 2:16]. Therefore, His Father has highly exalted His name above every name; whether things in heaven or on earth, or beneath the earth: “that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow” [Phil. 2:10].

On Him is the eternal appointment to bring all things to judgment – whether good or evil. For it pleased God, through Him, to reconcile all the families of the world to Himself. Whereby He has also called to service dedicated men and women, giving them the ministry of reconciliation, by which the call to repentance is now brought to us, who before were lost in sin having not God, but now are bought with a price – even the blood of His Son.

The problem with the world is that by their own wisdom, they reject this plan of redemption to their own loss: “for the wages of sin is death…” [Rom. 6:23].  Instead, they seek the knowledge of celestial powers – which are actually the handiwork of the Living God.  They accept the creation rather than the Creator.  God is displeased with such as these.  Jesus laid down His life in order that we may gain Life. “As many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe in His name” [John 1:12].

Therefore, let no man trick you out of your true deliverance (salvation) by false appearance of goodness, and worshiping of angels, meddling in those things which he has not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshy mind; for in these things is the wrath of God reserved for the children of disobedience.  Therefore, separate yourself from them to worship the one and only true God, which is your reasonable sacrifice, acknowledging His ordinances in the fear of the judgment that is to come.

In order to receive eternal life, to be forgiven for our sins and enter into a right relationship with our Creator, we need to allow Jesus Christ to be Lord of our life and trust in Him to be our Savior.  Before we come to Jesus Christ, we are living for ourselves, doing what we want to do.  When we come to Jesus Christ, we need to let Him be the Lord of our lives, and to find out what he wants us to do, and seek to obey Him.  We need to realize that the way we have been going is wrong, and that God’s way is the right way, through the strength He gives us.

But who can receive the gift of eternal life? The Bible says, “whosoever.” And you would say, “You mean that God can accept me after the way I have lived my life?” The answer is yes, He can give you a new beginning – His love covers all sins. The Lord spoke by the prophet Isaiah saying, “though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be as red as crimson, they shall be as wool” [Isaiah 1:18]. The Word also says that if you draw near to God, He will draw near to you: and “can two walk together except they be agreed”? [Amos 3:3]. And “God is not a man that He should lie” [Num. 23:19]. Be made whole!

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