I do not believe in faultfinding; hence, I do not look particularly to find what other churches are not doing right. You can always find what everyone is doing wrong if you probe. So long as we are in this flesh, that will always be true. For the whole creation groans waiting for adoption. We are complete not in ourselves, but only in Christ Jesus our Lord. The truth is we do not abide in him all the time, as we ought to. Our imperfections answers for it. Else, we should have no reason to confess our sins every now and again; and the bible would not have enjoined to “confess your sins one to another” (James 5:16). By ourselves, we are altogether weak and erring.

Just as there are sins in individuals, there are sins also in the small groupings of the saints. And “If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and the Word is not in us” (1 John 1:10). “For there is no man that sinneth not” (1 King 8:46). Denominations as these groups are referred to, are entirely God’s will. It is a recast of the life of the Church that was in the wilderness of Sinai. If you read the book of Numbers, you will see how God had organized that body for our instructions today, talking about the camp of this and the camp of that; some to the East and some to the West, etc. Together, they modeled the New Testament Church, and a shadow of it. Each group reserved a unique character expressed by their emblems. They stood for cultures and traditions that were based on God’s true plan for humanity. They had identities in themselves, but they were not perfect because the object of their perfection was yet to be revealed. 

The coming of the Lord Jesus Christ however, ushered in the process for their perfection: they that will believe and abide in Him. When all is done, flesh should no longer lust against the spirit, because it would have ceased to interfere; and that which is now corruptible would have been made incorruptible. Sin would have been crucified eternally in the body of those who should be perfected. For now, the bible says that we know in part and behold in part, as it were through a mirror. But when the perfect is come, the imperfection will go away. Then, we behold him face to face, as He is.

Our imperfections will continue to make it impossible for any group to claim to have absolute understanding and application of scriptures, with regards to what they really mean. There will always be the tendency for groups to have interpretations varying and depending on the measure of grace available to them. The living truth of the scriptures will however always impinge upon that which a part lack. And that is, when we sincerely chose to leave behind our claims of self-styled custodians of knowledge, allowing God through His Holy Spirit to reveal the truth to us.

Unfortunately, because of our frailness, we hardly persevere in His presence so He might illuminate on our inadequacies. Persons may thus be fascinated in a particular area of thought from scripture and might even sincerely seek to understand it. Yet when and if he does, it is only a tip of the iceberg. There are yet many others to be cracked, because the knowledge of God is simply inexhaustible. For “This is life eternal, that they may know Thee” (John 17:3). And according to Oswald Chambers, “Begin to know Him now, and never finish.” Hence there will always be pockets of unresolved ‘disputations,’ until “the redemption of the purchased possession.” While you may have found the answer to one, yet you lack in another: perhaps deniably so. Hence, I do not believe there is any one church denomination where you can hear the full interpretation of every single scripture in the bible. I believe however, that the whole truth will be present within the family of believers that should inherit the kingdom in the end.

As much as denominations may sincerely claim to have it all together, there will always be the lack of something. It might be in understanding whether it is proper for a man to take off his hat while praying, or that a woman should be allowed to preach or speak in the church; or whether infant baptism is appropriate or not. It might even be whether anyone who desires to speak in tongue could ask and receive it; or whether it is given to particular persons, or not at all. It can also be on whether God has a triplicate essence (the Trinity) or not, etc. Scriptures upon scriptures, as is always the case, may be cited in defense of the various interpretations and claims. It never changes what the truth is. In the end, however, every group in the original denominator “Whosoever that believes,” appends the nomenclature known as ‘The Full Gospel.’ I would think it spiritual arrogance therefore, on the part of any single group, to claim to have perfect interpretation of all scriptures from Genesis to Revelations.

Of what profit then is it to “Meditate upon these things,” and to “give thyself wholly to them?” I will tell you this my brother, that each one of those questions that you ever get to the bottom of the answer, serve mainly to help you live in victory here on earth, and while waiting for His return. For the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Apostle Paul wrote, “Is the power of God.” Anyone can tap into that power through faith in Jesus Christ. But since we yet know in part, the full armor and power should be present in the parts that every joint should supply. “Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ” (Ephesians 4:13).

Given that not all that are called are chosen, whether or not you make it into the ‘Promised Land’ will depend on that righteous judgment on that day. That judgment, I believe, will leave many taken aback. Because that the depth of God’s love for His creation is still a mystery to many of us; for we do not see as God sees. That love will make one supposedly sinner righteous and citizen of the kingdom, leaving behind some other acclaimed ‘righteous’ persons. Note then, that it does not take understanding the whole bible to be made sons, but “if you believe.” Hence, I say, if the power is in it, walk in it: but “Ye shall know them by their fruits.”

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Denominationalism: God’s Instrument for Full Gospel

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