Be aggressive about opportunities. They are usually hidden in simple times and places where you would least expect them. They often do not discriminate. But nature seems to avail opportunity more readily to those who look for it, and who would latch on to it knowing it may be their only chance. Opportunity, they say, come but once. Nature also abhor vacuums, which is why only those that hunger and thirst are to be filled. Here is a secret then to success, especially when there is no silver spoon to feed your passion and dreams:


Seek out and connect with people who have made success. Then volunteer free service to their endeavors. Rich people would frequently let you climb on their shoulders to your aims if you contribute to their greater success. Be servant first and you will find yourself at the top too. Many times they won’t notice it coming, but God designed it that way. That’s what happened to Joseph in Egypt.

When you meet a man or woman who is accomplished in life, most of the time it is an opportunity presenting itself to you. You must figure out quickly how you can be of service to him or her. Usually, rich people cannot reject to be served. Do not wait to be invited to serve either. Invite yourself. Even if you were starving at the time and have diverse needs, don’t pay those much attention. Give yourself to the work at hand and see how God will feed you for toiling in another man’s vineyard. God will make sure they open their barn and feed you from it.

The key is to make yourself available to be useful to someone else in one capacity or the other. This is how to create a job where there is none. And there is always somebody better of, no matter what the economy says. If you dispose yourself to serve, you’ll always have jobs to do and therefore food to eat. It is a secret of life. It’s not for the proud or arrogant, but for the humble. Submit yourself therefore to God, and in due time he will lift you up.

Exposed to surplus, the western mindset will snub at this underguarded principle. But notice the secret works regardless of how poor or rich you may be in your situation. The people at the top wants to see that you’re available and ready to help them to do better. What they often don’t realize in the circumstance is that service is a bait. It can qualify and invite people at bottom rump to the top of the ladder. Your service becomes your token to purchase a share or two with the rich. If you know how to work it, soon you’ll be able to buy more shares, and may even become a part owner with time. Life is not that difficult!


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Secret to success

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