The reason for the feeling of the lack, dissatisfaction, limitation, emptiness or want is revealed in the Genesis 3 wherein the story of how the whole creation came to being was exposited. The rest of the Bible then goes on to talk about the determined love of the Creator to get all back to what it was meant to be. He does so by implementing the most love centered program, and with great wisdom; calling all to enter back into the oneness and hence repossess what it takes to live happily ever more in it. But Jesus declares: “No man cometh to my Father, but by me.” This is the wisdom of God, calling the haughty and the arrogant to humility. To understand this is to see how that it pleased the Father that in His Son should all fullness dwell. Which is really the heart of most anti-Christ position we find out there. They cannot reconcile the idea of God in the flesh.

And so God required that in order to be plugged back into that oneness with Him, we must take on the likeness of sons. It is so provided on purpose. Only in the new nature (the resurrected childlike nature) can one eventually experience the perfect dominion without the odds we currently face living in our earthly bodies. The odds by the way, is the effect of the sinful nature, which itself came in consequence of the event of Genesis 3. But hear the call of God to a world He dearly loves: “Come unto me all ye that labor, and are heavily laden, and I will give you rest”. That rest is available provided we enter through the door He has opened. For “No other foundation can any man lay than that which is laid,” Jesus: “the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” And there is no other name, in heaven, nor on earth, by which we might be saved.

“Ye are gods” is essentially saying that there is the nature of God in every creation. Following the event of Genesis 3 however, the Bible said, “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). The reconciliation program is set forth to restore them who should come to the Father through the faith of Jesus Christ back into the unity of the Father. The purpose of justification by faith is to insure that only the humbled at heart can have access into the unlimited power there is in the oneness, lest in another act of disobedience, one might use that resource unadvised. That state in humility comes with it a rooted knowledge of the nature and working of the Godhead, so each person ultimately feels secured, fulfilled, and unselfish to abide in it.

Hence, why the statement, “The only thing stopping us from experiencing heaven on Earth is us” holds true. It is the “Us” and the self that puts some out of the oneness. Once there is the notion of ‘me’, that BEING opts out of the oneness by default: and, “Can two walk together except they be agreed?” For me, I say, “I and my Father are one.” It is the Us that keeps some ‘out of Him,’ which derails the fulfillment of that ultimate peace within: a void ensues. ‘Us’ was a choice out of the ignorance of the first choosers, Adam and Eve. The love of the Father however has given ALL a second chance to come to the knowledge of the truth that there is only one God by whom all things consist.

Strangers to that well of infinite capabilities simply say there is no God, or I am okay the way I am. But the torturer of the bereaved nature is sin, and it calls us always to the acknowledgement that there is much we lack. Hence disease, sickness, and all the other ways the lacks express themselves, stirs up a need to find that desired fulfillment, which the void crave. This void is a common experience of every soul, for it seeks to answer to the puzzles “Why is, where is, how is, and who is?” And “This sore travail hath God given to the souls of man to be exercised therewith” (Ecclesiastes 1:13).  read more…

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The Void, the quest of every soul

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