Anchor Scripture: Romans 6:16

“…to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?” (KJV).

Doing the right thing is what righteousness is about. However, doing the right thing depends on God. It draws its strength from God. The reason is because righteousness is of God. No man can be righteous of himself. You do what is right as unto the Lord. You don’t do it because it is what self would rather do. You do what’s right because it agrees with God. It is to please the One who only is right by himself. And so, when I do things because it is the right thing to do, I do it to please God; his will and not mine. It does not depend on the situation or circumstance, but because my conscience convinces me it will please God.

Here is something about righteousness then. It is not to please self but God. If I do what myself would please, I cannot do the right things. Self will avenge itself. Hence, self is supreme. It pleases its own will, just as God wants his will to be done. Self is supreme to itself, just as God is supreme. To obey self or any other being than God is what sin is all about. Self is in enmity with God!


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Doing the right thing

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