Here is an interesting one.  I was in a dream after my quiet time this morning, and it was in an open playground. I overheard a man speaking to a small group of people. A major speech on spirituality had just ended. He made a statement which I knew was out of ignorance of God’s truth, and I decided to take advantage of his zeal; you know, like Paul and the Stoics in Athens. So, I repeated aloud one of his own words from where I was standing to get his attention. I could not recall the word when I woke, but it was a point he really tried to convince his audience about. He was excited to realize that someone shared in his opinion, as he looked to my direction with a smile. I walked around the crowd to get to where he stood. My determination was to begin with the point he tried to address and back to what was wrong with his logic, and then to preach Christ to him. 

He and I walked away from the crowd when I got to him, to a fence at the corner of the open field. Then I looked upward, as I pointed to the bright stars that covered the sky. I was to start by letting him appreciate God’s creation; how it was impossible for that beauty to be put together by some random chance, but rather, by a creative designer. But our chat took a different turn from that point. I saw to the left of my shoulder in the sky, two planetary bodies spotted in line with each other. To my right also was another one. A friend of mine who came with me to the guy I was speaking with spoke up the moment he sighted those himself. I previously shared thoughts from my discussion with you on the Frontliners with my friend. Seeing those two on our left shoulder, he said in an excitement, “They too have come to alignment!” He was talking about the Venus-Earth alignment, as I speculated in the first installment on this topic. 

I cut into my friend’s thoughts to mention that those were actually the Venus-Moon alignment. I got that information from a CNN newscast earlier on in the week. CNN had showed a photograph the newscaster said she took the night that the Moon and Venus were observed closest to each other in a very long while. At this point, the guy I was talking with had noticed someone he had been expecting and went over to talk with her. I woke from the dream.

I tried to make sense of the dream as I woke. Initially my thoughts centered on the Venus-Moon alignment, and I imagined that the dream came because of the CNN news I had heard: thinking to myself, as the scripture says, that “a dream cometh through the multitude of business” (Ecclesiastes 4:3). I concluded that way but did a general interpretation of the dream for myself and went on to do some work at my desktop. I was typing when momentarily my thought went back to the dream, and it came in an entirely new light spontaneously. All my voice found to say was to hail God; extolling Him of the unthinkable ways He often chose to communicate things to us. I was like, “Wow, Daddy! How do you do these things?”

I began to imagine that God in the dream was using my friend to bring to my attention the fact that the Venus-Earth alignment, which I had speculated, already occurred unawares to me.  I have begun to think that with the Moon and Venus on my left shoulder, and the other planet on my right in the dream, that the Lord was depicting the Venus-Moon-Earth-Mars arrangement in the Solar System as shown in the diagram on the topic I titled “The Solar System: A shadow of the New World under Christ.”  Interesting!

What this suggests  is that perhaps the Venus-Earth alignment has also occurred, as was the Earth-Mars alignment in August of last year. Which would mean to say that there has been the falling into rank in the spirit of the Kohathites (Venus), following the Gershonites (the Earth), according to my diagram. I intend to further wait on the Lord to verify these thoughts. Please pray along with me.


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Moon and Venus

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