On the subject of Judas Iscariot, please read John 13:26-32. Listen as you read through for the Holy Spirit to give the understanding. In verse 27 the Bible said, “Satan entered into him”. Every act of unrighteousness always start this way. Similarly, every act of faith begins with the entrance of the Word (Jesus): and the entrance of the word gives light. This, I believe is the bottom line. Once Satan entered Judas, the rest of his actions were sinful before God. And “only he who now letteth will let”. Judas permitted the devil, and so acted folly. God knows the beginning from the end no doubt, but that only imply that He looks through the length of time to know it all. But because He is a just God, He allows every one to exercise the free will given to him. It is about the choices we make.

You can decide to go to seat for your exam or not; it is your choice to make. But God knows what decision you will eventually make. Much like a baby and a father. The father knows that once the baby picks up the dangerous object on the floor, the baby will put it right into its mouth. God knows that we are like babies, not knowing what may be a danger sometimes. That is why He provided us with the instruction book, the Bible: to guide us in the choices we make, in the things we face. So graciously too, He has provided that if we make a mistake anyhow, we can go to him and ask for forgiveness. The problem with us humans is that we want to be our own God; we do not want to be directed. Unfortunately, anyone in this world who faults God’s law receives a due reward, and He is not a respecter of persons.

How good you can operate the life He has given you depends on how much you have understood the different guidelines provided in His Word – the manual of life. The lazy or yet the arrogant child refuse to hearken to those instructions and apply them. Sometimes we foolishly even think that we have better codes of conduct than that which has been given: the reason the bible said the wisdom of man is foolishness before God. “Woe unto him that strives with his maker! Let the potsherd strive with the potsherds of the earth! Shall the clay say to him who forms it, ‘What are you making?’ Or shall your handiwork say, ‘He has no hands?’ (Isaiah 45:9).

We must always strive for knowledge and “hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother: for they shall be an ornament of grace unto thy head, and chains about thy neck… if sinners entice thee, consent not. If they say, come with us, let us lay wait for innocent blood, let us lurk privily for the innocent without cause: …walk not thou in the way with them…” (Proverbs 1:8-15).

The above scriptures were there in the book of Proverbs even before Jesus appeared on the earth scene. It was meant for people to read and fear God. To be hidden in our hearts, so we may not sin against God. But what? No, we chose to lean unto our own understanding. Only afterwards did Judas realized that he had messed with an innocent blood. And instead of him repenting in ashes and seeking forgiveness, he thought to take his own life. But Peter knew better. Peter failed his master several times, even at the point of His death; but repented him of his sin and proceeded in the ministry. It is about what you know, my brother. For “My people perish for lack of knowledge”. This is the key. And “no other foundation can any man lay than that which is laid”, the Word of God.

You cannot ascribe gallantry to Judas’ action for any reason, because whatsoever a man sows, that he shall reap. If you sow corruption, you will surely reap corruption; except the Lord chooses to cover your sin: as it is written, “Blessed is the man whose sins are covered.” And one would say, who then opposes God? But hear ye, O man! “It is not of Him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but God that showeth mercy”. Let us rather continue to ask for mercy, for His mercy endures forever; even as He rules in righteousness and love, for God is LOVE!

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Judas Iscariot

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