A miracle is something only God can do. It is yet a secret to man. Once God reveals how it can be duplicated however, it ceases to be called a miracle. For example, before fire was discovered, the early man could have imagined that bush fire was only an act of God. The stroke of lightning or thunder sets the bush on fire. Eventually, man discovered fire by accidentally striking two stones together. He went on to improve on his new technology and invented the match box, and now fire can be made at will.

Man has since extended the fire science, previously only known to God, and has applied it to kitchen stove design. Today, with only a dial on the stove knob fire is available for use. In like manner, man was once awed at the sight of a bird in the air – a miracle indeed! But what do we have today? Massive airplanes can move heavy equipment and people from one part of the globe to another. We don’t even give it a thought anymore. The secret things indeed belong to God, but that which he reveals is for our benefit.

Do you know that ignorance, the limitation in knowledge of scripture, once prevented members of certain denominations of the Christian faith from buying or using a TV? It was sinful to watch TV. But the same body of believers rejoiced to hear of open visions from God? They could not pause to think that what was shown them was probably transmitted and displayed by some type of holography science.

Holography, a technology in its infant stage of development, promises to revolutionize how we view TV images. It will eliminate the TV box and display 3D images in thin air. You’ll literally view transmitted images as though in a dream. It will not be for you alone to see, as in a trance, but others will be able to view it with you like a film projected midair. More importantly, it would be live events, in real time. You’ll be able to see the person at the other end of the phone line projected live, right in front of you.

When holography is fully implemented, what we traditionally know as trance or open vision would be lightly viewed as miracles. Hopefully, more people would then aspire to communicate with heaven in this way, and not see it as we do today as spiritual encounters reserved for a select few. Once holography science becomes common use however, it will become a mere technology and no longer a miracle – a trance. No wonder our activities are getting more virtual than ever before, the more we learn about God’s once hidden virtual technologies.

For “the secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law [its instruction set]” (Deuteronomy 29:29, NIV).

Man simply follows revealed instructions found through research, which were once a miracle of God, which he implements as technologies to his own advantage. Hence, technologies are but once hidden secrets of God!

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Miracles as hidden in technology

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