Be Made Whole!

Be Made Whole!

  Right now, you can get your life into right relationship with God. This is what you must do: Admit that you have sinned against God and repent of your sins. Believe that Jesus Christ paid for your sins and rose from the dead. Choose to let Jesus Christ be Lord...
Sonship with God and Eternal Life

Sonship with God and Eternal Life

A new position of sonship with God is possible only through faith in Jesus Christ. It is not for the wise men of this present world. It is not for them who think they are well schooled; having their own good judgment of what is right. It is only for those who would...
Created to Worship

Created to Worship

The whole essence of creation was that man should worship God. In his fallen state, due to sin, man has gone his own way, disregarding his original call to worship. But wherever he goes, he is hunted by his appointment. He got lost in the thick of the darkness that...