The Lake of Fire

Written by CWM Admin

The Lake of Fire & the Reign of Christ

The Lake of Fire & the Reign of Christ

I fell into a trance at about 5.15am and the Holy Spirit said some things to me. I woke but could not quite recall the beginning of what I heard. But the statement for the most part went as follows: “… Because God loved David, he promised to set him upon the throne in...

The Lake of Fire: Outline

The Lake of Fire: Outline

 Hiya Bro Dan, I have some part of your discussion with Bro Ike. While I cannot draw definite conclusions from the little, I have read. It brought a few thoughts into my mind that could be explored further. If according to your discussion based on Rev. and Lev., you...

The Lake of Fire – TLog

The Lake of Fire – TLog

Daniel says: I was going to forward a mini project I have been working on, but your inbox was reportedly full, Ike. Ike says: You can send it now Daniel says: Ike, look at Revelations 20:14 with me please Ike says: ok Ike says: One second Ike says: Let me get my bible...

The Lake of Fire: Second, or the Final Death?

The Lake of Fire: Second, or the Final Death?

Anchor Scripture: Deuteronomy 4:20 “But the Lord hath taken you, and brought you forth out of the iron furnace, even out of Egypt, to be unto him a people.” Throughout the Bible, there are references to a state of torment, disease, or pain as hell or death, just as in...

Quick Reads

Death and Hell

Death and Hell

Death and hell describe two states of confinement (captivity) of the souls of men because of sin. Here, death is in context of Adam’s transgression (Gen. 2:17). It is a state of separation or the severance of the soul from the holy God. In this state, sinners have the...

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A Secret of Success

A Secret of Success

Be aggressive about opportunities. They are usually hidden in simple times and places where you would least expect them. They often do not discriminate. But nature seems to avail opportunity more readily to those who look for it, and who would latch on to it knowing...

Doing the Right Thing

Doing the Right Thing

Anchor Scripture: Romans 6:16 " whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?" (KJV). Doing the right thing is what righteousness is about. However, doing the right...

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