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Planet X-Introduction

I got a phone call from Young-Hye Kim (Ph.D.) from California in the fall of 2011. During our conversation, she informs me about the confirmation of the discovery of planet X; a new and very distant planet the astronomers had speculated about for a long time. Then, I...

Venus and Earth

Reflecting on “The Frontliners” one more time, I am reminded of the vision I had of the regrouping of the Church. The words of that vision states that the regrouping would be followed by the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. Something caught my attention; the fact that...

The Frontliners

I woke from a trance in which two of my friends found and brought to me a news bulletin published by NASA. I read through the report and it argued that an Earth-Mars alignment was impossible except a certain law of physic involving variables “u” and “v” was met. In...

Foundational Knowledge

Doing the Right Thing

Doing the Right Thing

Anchor Scripture: Romans 6:16 "...to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?" (KJV). Doing the right thing is what righteousness is about. However, doing the right...

Be Made Whole!

  Right now, you can get your life into right relationship with God. This is what you must do: Admit that you have sinned against God and repent of your sins. Believe that Jesus Christ paid for your sins and rose from the dead. Choose to let Jesus Christ be Lord...

Sonship with God and Eternal Life

A new position of sonship with God is possible only through faith in Jesus Christ. It is not for the wise men of this present world. It is not for them who think they are well schooled; having their own good judgment of what is right. It is only for those who would...

Created to Worship

The whole essence of creation was that man should worship God. In his fallen state, due to sin, man has gone his own way, disregarding his original call to worship. But wherever he goes, he is hunted by his appointment. He got lost in the thick of the darkness that...
The Exodus: Population Distribution

The Exodus: Population Distribution

In the first census conducted by Moses in the wilderness, the population of the children of Levi was 22,300. That number was distributed as follows: Moses/Aaron & sons 300, Kohath 8,300, Gershon 7,500, and Merari 6,200. Notice that the population of the family of...

Doing the Right Thing

Anchor Scripture: Romans 6:16 "...to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?" (KJV). Doing the right thing is what righteousness is about. However, doing the right...

Miracles as Hidden Technologies

A miracle is something only God can do. It is yet a secret to man. Once God reveals how it can be duplicated however, it ceases to be called a miracle. For example, before fire was discovered, the early man could have imagined that bush fire was only an act of God....

A Secret of Success

Be aggressive about opportunities. They are usually hidden in simple times and places where you would least expect them. They often do not discriminate. But nature seems to avail opportunity more readily to those who look for it, and who would latch on to it knowing...

A Fortical Focus

The Bible seemingly presents inconsistencies in the records of the different authors of the gospel. There is really none of such, however. When we leave an open mind to God’s Word, He will reveal so many things on a personal basis to us through His Spirit. My personal...

Be Circumspect by the Word of God

If you relate with the universe and intend to gain from it, you expose yourself to Bible truth. The reason is because the Bible contains the blueprint of the owner of the universe who functions in oneness with it. All things consist of him. It is copyright...

Hath Adam Eternal Life before the Fall?

To answer to this question, let us begin by establishing some foundational facts. We note therefore, that every promise of God is obtained through obedience, by faith of Jesus Christ. “For all the promises of God in Him are yea, and in Him Amen” (2 Corinthians 1:20);...

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The Jubilee of God

The Law and the Lawgiver

Created to Worship

The Triune Nature of God

Kings and Priests

Freewill and the God Hypothesis

The Frontliners

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